1, Upload.cc

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| func UploadToCC(img []byte, imgInfo string, imgType string) (string, string) { url := "https://upload.cc/image_upload" name := utils.GetFileNameByMimeType(imgInfo)
file := &utils.FormFile{ Name: name, Key: "uploaded_file[]", Value: img, Type: imgType, } var header map[string]string data := utils.FormPost(file, url, header) cc := bed.CCResp{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &cc) if err != nil { logging.AppLogger.Error("UploadToCC fail ", zap.Error(err)) return "", "" } mj, _ := cc.SuccessImage[0].(map[string]interface{}) smj, _ := mj["url"].(string) del, _ := mj["delete"].(string)
url = "https://upload.cc/" + smj
deleteJson := `[{"path":"` + smj + `",key":"` + del + `"}]` return url, deleteJson }
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| package server
import ( "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/astaxie/beego/cache" "go-figure-bed/pkg/e/bed" "go-figure-bed/pkg/logging" "go-figure-bed/pkg/setting" "go-figure-bed/pkg/utils" "go.uber.org/zap" "hash/crc32" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "time" )
var memoryCache, _ = cache.NewCache("memory", `{"interval":3600}`)
func Login(name string, pass string) interface{} { url := "https://login.sina.com.cn/sso/login.php?client=ssologin.js(v1.4.15)&_=1403138799543" userInfo := make(map[string]string) userInfo["UserName"] = utils.Encode(base64.StdEncoding, name) userInfo["PassWord"] = pass cookie := getCookies(url, userInfo) return cookie }
func getCookies(durl string, data map[string]string) interface{} { if memoryCache.Get("SinaCookies") != nil { return memoryCache.Get("SinaCookies") } postData := make(url.Values) postData["entry"] = []string{"sso"} postData["gateway"] = []string{"1"} postData["from"] = []string{"null"} postData["savestate"] = []string{"30"} postData["uAddicket"] = []string{"0"} postData["pagerefer"] = []string{""} postData["vsnf"] = []string{"1"} postData["su"] = []string{data["UserName"]} postData["service"] = []string{"sso"} postData["sp"] = []string{data["PassWord"]} postData["sr"] = []string{"1920*1080"} postData["encoding"] = []string{"UTF-8"} postData["cdult"] = []string{"3"} postData["domain"] = []string{"sina.com.cn"} postData["prelt"] = []string{"0"} postData["returntype"] = []string{"TEXT"} client := &http.Client{} request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", durl, strings.NewReader(postData.Encode())) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") resp, err := client.Do(request) defer resp.Body.Close() cookie := resp.Cookies() _ = memoryCache.Put("SinaCookies", cookie, time.Second*3600) return cookie }
func UpLoadToSina(img []byte, imgType string) string { if setting.BedSetting.Sina.OpenSinaPicStore == false { return "" } durl := "http://picupload.service.weibo.com/interface/pic_upload.php" + "?ori=1&mime=image%2Fjpeg&data=base64&url=0&markpos=1&logo=&nick=0&marks=1&app=miniblog" imgStr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(img) postData := make(url.Values) postData["b64_data"] = []string{imgStr} client := &http.Client{} request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", durl, strings.NewReader(postData.Encode())) if err != nil { logging.AppLogger.Error("UpLoad To Sina fail", zap.Error(err)) fmt.Println(err) } request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") uncooikes := Login(setting.BedSetting.Sina.UserName, setting.BedSetting.Sina.PassWord) cookies, ok := uncooikes.([]*http.Cookie) if !ok { panic(ok) } for _, value := range cookies { request.AddCookie(value) } resp, err := client.Do(request) defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) return getSinaUrl(body, imgType) }
func getSinaUrl(body []byte, imgType string) string { str := string(body) pat := "({.*)" check := "[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}" res := regexp.MustCompile(pat) rule := regexp.MustCompile(check) jsons := res.FindAllStringSubmatch(str, -1) msg := bed.SinaMsg{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsons[0][1]), &msg) if err != nil { logging.AppLogger.Error("get Sina Url fail", zap.Error(err)) } pid := msg.Data.Pics.Pic_1.Pid if rule.MatchString(pid) { sinaNumber := fmt.Sprint((crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(pid)) & 3) + 1) size := setting.BedSetting.Sina.DefultPicSize n := len(imgType) rs := []rune(imgType) suffix := string(rs[6:n]) if suffix != "gif" { suffix = "jpg" } sinaUrl := "https://ws" + sinaNumber + ".sinaimg.cn/" + size + "/" + pid + "." + suffix return sinaUrl } return "" }

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| func UploadToSmms(img []byte, imgInfo string) string { body := new(bytes.Buffer) w := multipart.NewWriter(body) contentType := w.FormDataContentType() name := utils.GetFileNameByMimeType(imgInfo) file, _ := w.CreateFormFile("smfile", name) _, _ = file.Write(img) _ = w.Close() req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "https://sm.ms/api/upload", body) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType) resp, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) defer resp.Body.Close() data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) sm := bed.SmResponse{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(data)), &sm) if err != nil { logging.AppLogger.Error("Upload To Smms fail", zap.Error(err)) return "" } return string(sm.Data.Url) }
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| func UpLoadToSouGou(img []byte) string { preStr := "LS0tLS0tV2ViS2l0Rm9ybUJvdW5kYXJ5R0xmR0IwSGdVTnRwVFQxaw0KQ29udGVudC1EaXNwb3NpdGlvbjogZm9ybS1kYXRhOyBuYW1lPSJwaWNfcGF0aCI7IGZpbGVuYW1lPSIxMS5wbmciDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IGltYWdlL3BuZw0KDQo=" sufStr := "DQotLS0tLS1XZWJLaXRGb3JtQm91bmRhcnlHTGZHQjBIZ1VOdHBUVDFrLS0NCg==" preStr = utils.Decode(base64.StdEncoding, preStr) sufStr = utils.Decode(base64.StdEncoding, sufStr) imgStr := string(img) data := []byte(preStr + string(img) + sufStr) url := "http://pic.sogou.com/pic/upload_pic.jsp" client := &http.Client{} req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(data)) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", " multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryGLfGB0HgUNtpTT1k") req.Header.Add("Content-Length", string(strings.Count(imgStr, ""))) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) respUrl := string(body) respUrl = strings.Replace(respUrl, "http", "https", -1) return respUrl }